Make it as easy as possible for yourself. We can handle refreshments for guests or promotion of the event. Take a look at what we can do and we'll discuss everything together when you book your space.
Invite our community to your event. Choose what works best for you from our promotional packages. P. S. Basics are free!
Sweet, savory, small coffee breaks or all-day snacks. Choose from our proven options, hassle-free and fast.
You are looking for a event venue, we are offering it. Email us, call us or fill in the form; it doesn't matter, we will dedicate ourselves to you with the same passion and commitment. Let's put together an event you'll remember with pleasure.
We're all aboutno impact, no party. In order to make the biggest and best possible impact, we need to know how you get around and what you're interested in. Will you let us?
Platí na jakoukoliv vaši akci s termínem v březnu a dubnu. Stačí poslat poptávku nebo se nám ozvat jakkoliv jinak a o slevu si říct.